UpdateStar is a ultimate software management utility that allows anyone with a Windows PC to quickly see all the available Updates for various Softwares installed on his/her computer. It also allows you to see details about any installed software or Uninstall it .
UpdateStar has a nicely designed GUI that resembles that of office 2007 and it has several features that keep it above other such services , features like
1. Scans your Installed programs list and displays avilabilty of update for each.
2. Simple and Nice gui makes it easy to locate options
3. you can export a selected list of your favorite softwares so that you can carry that list to any PC and install the latest version of those softwares there .
4. Extra information like publisher,system requirements,installed and currently available version .
5. Has a intuitive rating system that enables you to rate any software and also see the average rating given by various other users of UpdateStar
6. More information option takes you to UpdateStar website where you get excellent detailed information aout software and also related video about that software from youtube
looking at the feature set it provides and also the simplicity with which it works, this software is recommended to each and all for their Windows PC .
Comments (5)
- smaller database
- inflated user interface
- does not recognize installed applications correctly (for example the version number of Skype and other default applications are wrong, at 22 of 80 applications)
- the new version costs money
In my eyes UpdateStar is a bad application, Software Informer is much better!